to my blog.
I am a girl named Ryan.
Yes, a girl. Always been one... Will ALWAYS be one. I am also a daughter, sister, wife, mother and graphic designer. I blog here to share the stories of how I can some how manage to be all of those titles & SOMEHOW stay sane. If thats what you call it.
If you need me for anything or have a question about something... please email me at ryanikon@gmailDOTcom.
and about rudeness.
and rudeness
of the week.
fastlane rudeness.
You know when your schedule is so busy you dont even have time to stop and think? And you cant even remember what day it is? But all you know is you have to be somewhere NOW and you have to go to the store NOW and you have to drop off something NOW and you have to GO NOW AND DO NOW AND BE NOW! And OMG! I am in the fastlane, been stuck here for 3 days and I dont think I'm getting out for a couple more days.
and rudeness.
and old rudeness.
and find rudeness.

I am making my daughter OCD.
My little Bubba justed turned two and she could out clean any Merry Maid. Through my... what I like to call... "Attention to Detail" my daughter has picked up some great traits.

However, I know someday she will be sitting in a psychologist office asking why she physical can't leave a crumb under the microwave without cleaning the entire kitchen or walk through a glass door that has a fingerprint on it without getting out the Windex.

So I may be a little over board at times when it comes to cleaning. And I may be a freak about my lawn. And my appearance. And my desk at work. And my car. But I know I am sane because I still have the token junk drawer. Infact I have 3!

So far I have been able to keep my OCDness to a minimium and I know when I am going too far and will back down. But I am seeing it in my daughter so much... and I get the finger point from the hubbie and that all too familiar phrase in the household of a toddler, "She got that from YOU!"

When going for a walk with Bubba, everytime there is a sprig of grass or weed coming from a crack in the sidewalk, she simply HAS to pull it out.

Or if she gets into her baby wipes, she will take them and start. cleaning. the wall, the floor, the mirror, the couch...

Her favorite toy is the SWIFTER.

I mean come on! It is cute though. And for now, if she loves to clean... so be it. Isn't that why people have kids anyway?!


Posted by and rudeness on Saturday, August 26, 2006 at 2:30 PM
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how cute! Enjoy the cleaning now...because in a few years she wont want to help anymore! Don't worry...my son got a few of those type of traits from me as well. And yes, our favorite phrase in the household is "He got that from you!" sigh.
Posted by Blogger Brenda | August 28, 2006 8:18 AM  
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and Flickr.
and daily rudeness.
and cool rudeness.
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