to my blog.
I am a girl named Ryan.
Yes, a girl. Always been one... Will ALWAYS be one. I am also a daughter, sister, wife, mother and graphic designer. I blog here to share the stories of how I can some how manage to be all of those titles & SOMEHOW stay sane. If thats what you call it.
If you need me for anything or have a question about something... please email me at ryanikon@gmailDOTcom.
and about rudeness.
and rudeness
of the week.
fastlane rudeness.
You know when your schedule is so busy you dont even have time to stop and think? And you cant even remember what day it is? But all you know is you have to be somewhere NOW and you have to go to the store NOW and you have to drop off something NOW and you have to GO NOW AND DO NOW AND BE NOW! And OMG! I am in the fastlane, been stuck here for 3 days and I dont think I'm getting out for a couple more days.
and rudeness.
and old rudeness.
and find rudeness.

Ever wonder...
...if as you go about your daily business people are watching? And I dont just mean people people. I mean as you sit on your front porch having a casual conversation... NASA is teaching its latest group of wanna-be-astronauts how the satellites work. And how powerful they are.

INSTRUCTOR: Okay class, someone choose anywhere in. the. W O R L D.

STUDENT: How about Bumblefuck, WI?

INSTRUCTOR: Bumblefuck, WI it is.

As the instructor punches away buttons on a panel in front of him, thousands of miles away HUGE satellites are whipping themselves around to zero in on the coordinates for Bumblefuck.

And as the students watch in awe as these satellites come into position the instructor is droning on and on in the background... no one can hide from the power of these satellites... something begins to beep as Bumblefuck, WI comes into view on the monitors taking up an entire wall of monitors in the classroom... you will even be able to see traffic lights changing, sounds and everything is in real time... suddenly a roar of sounds come to life, horns honking, dogs barking... these satellites are used for research and for the highest security, even in 1993 the President called on NASA... the instructor begins to narrow in closer to a road, a house and you see two people sitting on a porch... Here class, you can see these two people sitting on their porch...

Suddenly their conversation is booming over all the classroom...

FEMALE: I have a booger so far up my nose and it has been driving me crazy all day.
MALE: Apparently you arent blowing hard enough.
FEMALE: Like I havent heard THAT before.
MALE: Man the roof of my mouth feels weird.
FEMALE: Really? Mine feels cool. Let me see?
MALE: Ahhhhhhh....
FEMALE: Female gets up... bbbbbbrrrrrrrrriiippppppp!!
MALE: RYAN! My mouth was open and everything!!

The instructor quickly disengages the connection to Bumblefuck, WI and begins to quickly talk his way AWAY from the conversation they were so fortunate enough to stumble upon during this learning activity.

As the class winds down and the end of the hour approaches, the instructor asks what everyone learned today?

STUDENT: That girls really do fart.
Posted by and rudeness on Monday, February 05, 2007 at 11:35 PM
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Posted by Blogger That Chick Over There | February 06, 2007 8:47 AM  
I agree, hilarious! Love it.
Posted by Blogger Heidi | February 06, 2007 10:09 AM  
Is that real? Well, except for the Nasa stuff of course.
Posted by Blogger Jolynn | February 06, 2007 12:42 PM  
LOL Does make you wonder!!
Posted by Blogger Brenda | February 08, 2007 1:52 PM  
were the nasa workers operating the satellite in a deadly love triangle as well? hah...
Posted by Blogger jenerrz | February 08, 2007 2:29 PM  
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and Flickr.
and daily rudeness.
and cool rudeness.
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