to my blog.
I am a girl named Ryan.
Yes, a girl. Always been one... Will ALWAYS be one. I am also a daughter, sister, wife, mother and graphic designer. I blog here to share the stories of how I can some how manage to be all of those titles & SOMEHOW stay sane. If thats what you call it.
If you need me for anything or have a question about something... please email me at ryanikon@gmailDOTcom.
and about rudeness.
and rudeness
of the week.
fastlane rudeness.
You know when your schedule is so busy you dont even have time to stop and think? And you cant even remember what day it is? But all you know is you have to be somewhere NOW and you have to go to the store NOW and you have to drop off something NOW and you have to GO NOW AND DO NOW AND BE NOW! And OMG! I am in the fastlane, been stuck here for 3 days and I dont think I'm getting out for a couple more days.
and rudeness.
and old rudeness.
and find rudeness.

Tidbits of Me, Tuesday.
I am stubborn. Since conception I have been. I always will be. And I try to considerate it... use it as a strength.

But there are times that I can give up easily. I wont even fight.

And sometimes it is so hard to walk away. To realize that there are somethings that JUST arent worth it.

And they should be. Cause I thought so.

But thats life...
its never been fair. And it isnt going to start being fair.


Posted by and rudeness on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 9:24 PM
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HEY, I've been like the worst commentter here latly and I am soo sorry!!!! Glad to here things are lookin good and I wanted to give u a bible verse that has helped me thru all of my trials, Deut. 31:6 look it up its ahhhsome!!!! And Spongebob is GREAT!!! I do admit I enjoy the lil dude! Our kids rock!!
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous | April 10, 2007 10:33 PM  
Girl, sometimes we have to pick our battles for the sake of our sanity. There are fights that are simply not WORTH it and some that may seem worthwhile on the surface, but are ultimately useless. Your energy is valuable and precious, and only you, ONLY YOU can decide what is the right way to spend it. Have faith in your good judgment. I do.
Posted by Blogger MandaCakes | April 11, 2007 7:40 AM  
Mandacakes is right, there is a lot of value to knowing how to pick your battles. It sucks that you should even have to do that, but, you said it, that's life. I'm sorry, though, for whatever this is about.
Posted by Blogger Heidi | April 11, 2007 8:18 AM  
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and Flickr.
and daily rudeness.
and cool rudeness.
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