For my birthday, my effing amazing snake killin' Auntie sent me some cash that I put towards an incredibly and totally awesome pair of prescription sunglasses. That I love. And I wear at every. single. chance I can. Because I love them. Did I mention I love them?Shortly thereafter, as in less than a week, my husband also got himself an awesome pair of prescription sunglasses... and now that we are a prescription sunglassing lovin' couple... Bubba was feeling a little left out. She was constantly wanting a pair of "Bubba glasses! Where Bubba glasses?!" so we promptly went and get her a pair of her very own. (So she would stop crying herself to sleep wondering why we stopped loving her because she didnt have a pair of awesome new sunglasses too.)And I think she wears her totally rad shades more than we do. Cause it is acceptable and cute to wear them inside, during dinner, in the library, at night, when its raining, with pajamas or to bed. When you are two. So. Damn. Cute.
The moment I found out that I was having a girl I began dreaming up all the things us two girls would do. Matching outfits... Pigtails... Makeup... painting our nails together... you know... all the "girlie" stuff. Well, one, I dont look good in pink, frilly socks or Size 5 Dora shoes. Two, I look retarded with pigtails and two and a half, Bubba hasnt ever really had enough hair to HAVE pigtails. Three, the whole makeup thing? This girl might have once sold Mary Kay but I just never wear makeup. And I figured a two year old wearing mascara would be a little much. Besides she would want me to wear it with her... and that was a path I didnt want to go down.
So that has left me with painting nails. And being as though she is 2 and a HALF now... I figured it was time to get started. I mean for Christ sake next week she'll be getting her drivers license and leaving for college.
So I purchased some "Dries in 60 seconds!" (yeah, what the fuck ever... 60 seconds my ass) nail polish and started on her pretty little toes. And she made PUNK PINK look like Cinderella-at-the-ball-Pink. And oooh, how she loves her PINK! TOES! 10 TOES! PINK! TOES! and when she immediately began pestering me about my own toes, I again PROMPTLY complied to her every demand, and finagled my feet somewhere near my head, in some position I never thought I would get out of, so I could paint them.
And I make PUNK PINK look like HOOKER SKANK PINK but my daughter is happy. And that is all that matters.
See? So. Damn. Cute. on her.
The first two times that I took Bubba to get her haircut, I let the hairdresser pretty much do whatever they wanted. I would make suggestions and even though I said, I dont want a bowl cut or anything... that is exactly what it ended up being. A bowl cut.
Bowl cut or not though, she is adorable and it never really bothered me. Now my husband on the other hand... hates the devil worshiping bowl cut look on our daughter. So this most recent visit to get Bubbas haircut, I thought I would be a little more up front about exactly want I wanted in terms of a NON-bowl cut hairstyle.
I want the bangs shorter. Leave the length in the back but give her layers. I would like to see about 2-3 inches of hair length all over her head. No the bangs need to be shorter. And can you trim up around her ears a little more. No a little more.
When we got home my husband was extremely happy to see an actual "style" to our daughters hair and I am quite pleased as well. But it makes her look older. And she cant get "older." Ever.
So. damn. cute. I can hardly stand it.Labels: My little Bubba