to my blog.
I am a girl named Ryan.
Yes, a girl. Always been one... Will ALWAYS be one. I am also a daughter, sister, wife, mother and graphic designer. I blog here to share the stories of how I can some how manage to be all of those titles & SOMEHOW stay sane. If thats what you call it.
If you need me for anything or have a question about something... please email me at ryanikon@gmailDOTcom.
and about rudeness.
and rudeness
of the week.
fastlane rudeness.
You know when your schedule is so busy you dont even have time to stop and think? And you cant even remember what day it is? But all you know is you have to be somewhere NOW and you have to go to the store NOW and you have to drop off something NOW and you have to GO NOW AND DO NOW AND BE NOW! And OMG! I am in the fastlane, been stuck here for 3 days and I dont think I'm getting out for a couple more days.
and rudeness.
and old rudeness.
and find rudeness.

Sometimes I wish life had an Easy Button.
These last few weeks have completed changed who I am as a person... completely transforming who I am in every aspect of my role on this planet. I feel like I have been STUCK on an emotional and mental rollercoaster ride from hell.

Cause damn...
These past few weeks? SSSShhhhhhuuuuuu...

When my friend called me to tell me her son had passed, I fell to pieces. I couldnt wrap my mind around the thought that something so awful, something so terrible, something so horrible could happen like that. So sudden. I ran to her side. And I had no idea what to do. What to be for her. So I just was. I was at her side as much as I could be. And even though it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do... anytime she asks me to be there. I will be. Cause my God... thats the only thing I can do.

The following week I had two great aunts pass away. One on my Dad's side of the family and one on my Mom's side of the family. Both completely special and dear to me in their own unique ways. Both lived full and happy lives totally devoted to their families. Their passings both came on suddenly and hit me hard. My Aunt Wandas passing (My Moms - Dads - sister... you with me?) made me feel like I was losing my Grandpa all over again. Mandacakes explained it very well in her beautiful post dedicated to Aunt Wanda titled With Love and Sorrow.

The night before My Aunts funeral I went to Madison to pick up my sister. We joined my parents the next day and it was good for all of us to be together. My Aunts funeral was beautiful, filled with laughter and stories... just the way she would have wanted it.

There are many other stories and events throughout the past two... almost three weeks that I am sure will come over the next couple weeks that have tested every aspect of my sanity (cause there are some gooood and entertaining stories about work! GRRRR!) but I wanted to at least share some of what has been going on. The last couple of days have been great to be honest though. Thank goodness there is good stuff to report too! One of my sisters is expecting and her baby shower was this weekend and my daughter turns three on Monday... my little baby is going to be THREE. THREE!

THREE!! Did you hear me?

Goodness. My Moms birthday is next Wednesday so we had a combination DAUGHTER-slash-MOM birthday WHOPPER of a party on Saturday! Pictures will definitely be coming soon.

I have missed everyone and hope to hop back into Blogland soon. Thank you to everyone for your kind words and emails over the last couple days. They have meant ALOT to me.
Posted by and rudeness at 9:07 PM
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Please, please, please say a prayer...
This precious, precious little Angel passed away very suddenly yesterday morning....

...and my heart is just broken for his Momma...and his entire family...

I have no idea what to say or do or how to be a friend in a situation like this. But I am going to do my best. This is my best friend of all time from high school. This isnt suppose to happen. What am I going to say? This there anything you can say?

Please say a prayer. Oh my God. Say alot of them.
Posted by and rudeness at 6:27 AM
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and Flickr.
and prior rudeness.
and daily rudeness.
and cool rudeness.
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